British Team Class 1 Sports Class 2025



Applicants are invited to fly as part of the British Team in this year's Sports Class Worlds.


The team will be selected by the process described in the Panels Constitution.


However due to the small team size (3) and the unusual nature of the Team Captains role, the panel will round up (to 2) the number of automatic selection places leaving 1 place for discretionary selection as specified in the constitution.


Additional places may become available to compete in the competition so all interested pilots are recommended to register as soon as possible.  However any additional places allocated will not be included in the team score.  


Pilots should read the local rules before registering as there are specific exclusions for gliders and prior CAT 1 participation. The local rules are still in draft and have not yet been approved by the FAI.


Please send your application along with your case for selection and your suggestions (and reasons) for the other two team places to the panel (


By applying for team places pilots are agreeing to comply with the Panels code of conduct


Please send your application by valentines day…otherwise known as the 14th Feb 2025.  The panel will meet and notify pilots of their selection by early march. The two automatic selection pilots will be invited to attend the meeting to provide input to the remaining selection.