BOS Championship Competition - Retrieve
There will be no organised retrieve, but entrants may opt-in to a Retrieve System.
BOS Retrieve System
The retrieve system will be an adaptation of the pyramid retrieve system used elsewhere. A review has been undertaken following GBAR and a BOS retrieve guide will follow.
In the meantime the following information might be useful.
Pilot retrieve is a particular issue especially for pilots who are attending an event on their own, with no dedicated retrieve person. To help these people we will run a "pyramid retrieve" system, whereby the first pilots back to base get the next ones to land, and so on until everyone is collected. It will run using the system based on and Telegram, already widely used in paragliding competitions and used successfully at the GBAR hang gliding tow event in 2022. Further details and a novice's guide will follow, but in the meantime pilots can see how it works by looking at the guide on and testing it by joining the Telegram group XCR Test Group (New).
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