Trophies and Prizes

BOS Trophies and Prizes: British Open Series competitions will have prizes in Class 1, Class 5 and Club Class, where there are a minimum of two competitors. There are smaller prizes for each class in each Round, as well as end-of-series trophies. There will also be day prizes, not just for task winners but for other good performances or notable achievements. 

For the series overall, prizes will be awarded based  on each eligible pilot’s 6 highest scoring tasks (including a proportion of GBAR scores if appropriate), scaled down to a maximum of 500 points each, from all scoring days in the Series. 

New for 2023 - There will be a trophy for the highest scoring pilot flying a king-posted flexwing in Club Class 

Perpetual Trophies

The following additional trophies are awarded annually based on BOS results:

  • British Open Trophy - Winner of British Open Series Open Competition - usually held during the first BOS round
  • Jim Taggart Trophy - British Open Series: Class 1 Winner
  • Andy Hollidge Trophy - British Open Series: Class 5 Winner
  • BOS Club Class Trophy - British Open Series: Club Class Winner
  • Keith Cockcroft Trophy - Best Newcomer in British Open Series 
    The Best Newcomer will normally be defined as the highest scoring pilot who has not entered the BOS Championship Competition before.  In the event that this does not apply, the Panel will make a decision, which could include pilots returning after a long break from competition, or pilots who first entered the competition in the previous two (or three) years.

Perpetual Hang Gliding Trophies not related to BOS