
Rules set out in the HG Competitions Panel Constitution and local rules published in advance of a BOS event will apply.  Otherwise, the Meet Director will follow the principles set out in the FAI sporting code but has the discretion to deviate from these as appropriate.

https://www.fai.org/civl-documents - under the 8th item (Sporting Code - other rules etc.)


Misconduct by pilots and their supporters will be dealt with by the Meet Director and/or Hang Gliding Competitions Panel in accordance with the FAI Sporting Code Section 7, Chapter 13.  

Paragraph 13.2 lists examples of misconduct, including "Bringing the sport, CIVL or the FAI into disrepute".  For the avoidance of doubt, this is considered to include road rallying, inconsiderate or dangerous parking, and unauthorised vehicle access onto private land.  This list is not exhaustive and is subject to the discretion of the Meet Director and/or Hang Gliding Competitions Panel.


Penalties will be proportionate and applied in line with guidance in the FAI Sporting Code General Section Chapter 6, paragraph 6.1.3, which allows for penalties up to and including disqualification. This could be disqualification from a task, a day, a round or the series.


If anyone involved is unhappy about any aspect of the BOS Event (apart from scoring issues), they should raise this with the Meet Director in the first instance, or another HG Comps Panel Member in attendance, as soon as possible.  https://hgcomps.uk/panel-members

A formal protest may be lodged if necessary.



  • If the provisional results are published before 10 pm, concerns must be submitted before 8:30 am the next day.
  • If the provisional results are published after 10 pm, concerns must be submitted before 12 noon the next day.
  • The time of the publication of results is the time the results are posted on the official Telegram Group unless notified otherwise.
  • Final day deadline for raising a concern about the scores will be 1 hour after publication of results.
  • If a scoring concern is raised, it will be reviewed by the Scorer and a decision made.  
  • Should the pilot be unhappy with the Scorer’s decision a formal protest may be lodged


  • Protests may be lodged with respect to scoring or other issues related to any aspect of the competition.
  • Protests will be reviewed by the Meet Director who may involve others not affected by the outcome.  
  • The Protest fee is £10 (which will be returned if a protest is upheld).