BOS Championship Competition - Tasks:
Tasks for Class 1 and Class 5
Will run in parallel, as in previous years. While there may be small differences to aspects of the tasks for each Class, normally all pilots in the BOS Championship Competitions will fly the same task, with Class 1 and Class 5 being scored separately.
Race to Goal tasks with a number of waypoints will normally be set to provide a challenging platform for experienced pilots to compete directly against others, on the same task, on the same day, in the same conditions.
Depending on the conditions, the Meet Director may set goal tasks as an elapsed time race or a race with one or more start gates. A ‘Race to Anywhere’ task may also be set if conditions dictate. - Tasks for Club Class
Where this will provide the best experiences for Club Class entrants, the same, or similar tasks will run as for the above classes, with larger turnpoints and shorter goals
- Task Decisions
Tasks will be set by the Meet Director in consultation with a Task and/or Safety Committee.
In the event of Club Class potentially being better served by doing a different task, or going to a different site, such decisions will be made in collaboration with Club Class entrants.
BOS Rounds
Each BOS round is scored as a separate competition using the scoring principles set out below. The scores produced by the FSComp scoring software will count in full for each round.
BOS round task scores that count towards the BOS Championship will be:
- Scaled down to 500 points for Classes 1 and 5
- Normalised to 500 points for Club Class
Further details below.
Championship Scoring:
- All scoring is carried out using the current FSComp software.
- Pilots are responsible for providing a valid tracklog for each flight.
- Your GPS with 3D recording is preferred, preferably with Barometric altitude.
It is possible to use a smart phone for the track log recording and also for navigation. Many phones also have barometric pressure sensors - Where the pilot has multiple recordings we will attempt to award the best score available from the recordings. This may include more than one partial recording
- We are happy to receive valid tracklogs via email.
- The quicker you get your GPS back to the scoring room, the quicker we can get some scores generated.
- We aim to get scores published by 10pm
- Scoring parameters used in the FSComp software: these are fixed and to be used throughout the Series.
- The BOS Championship will be determined by the best scoring tasks (up to a maximum of 6) for each pilot across all scoring events during the BOS Series.
- All Class 1 and Class 5 scores that count towards the BOS Championship will be scaled down to 500 points. This means that if the winner of a particular task scores more than 500 points in that task, all scores for that task will be proportionally scaled back to the extent necessary to give the task winner exactly 500 points for the task. For example, if the task winner scores the maximum 1,000 points for the task, then for the purpose of the BOS Championship (but not the individual competition), all scores will be halved. The task winner will score 500 points towards the BOS Championship and everyone else will score half of the full value of that task.
- In Club Class, to take account of the increased flexibility in the types of tasks possible, any scores that count towards the BOS Championship will be normalised to 500 points. This means tasks will be scaled UP or DOWN to 500 points.
See next section for information about the possible inclusion of some GBAR points.
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